
Some free time this week, free from work, has allowed me to do some a few things:

— hang out at a meeting this past Sunday afternoon to learn some things and socialize

— take a dog to the groomer

— take another dog to the vet

— car oil change

— read my cul0 off

— upgrade the lovely Linux boxes

I like having an unplanned week. Maybe I can work in a tequila reset of the brain.

those healthy-eating word salads

I smile when some blank-profile keyboard warrior “word salads” an issue to lend credibility and appear to be intellectual.

It adds to the fun of sifting through the 5h1t. I’ve been a student of propaganda most of my life. I like it.

blocked again on facebook

I’m in Facebook jail again!

For the second time in a week, I’m blocked from my account. FB doesn’t like what I post, and all I post is garbage. Freakin’ kindergarten. The prohibited words seem to be “Russia” (last week) and “sodomy” (today).

I wish they’d save me the trouble and just delete my account. It would improve my life.

I’m liking MeWe and Mastodon more all the time.


It’s disappointing to see a friend with good politics dive off the nutcasin’ deep end. Maybe it happens to me, too, a little bit, sometimes. 🏊

best scam call I’ve received to date

Best scam call I have received to date. It makes me finally feel validated as I’ve been expecting the hammer to drop.


The very second you receive this message. I want you to return the call as soon as possible as SSA has filed a lawsuit against your name the local County Sheriff are going to arrest you for for serious allegations before this matter goes to the courthouse and we freeze your bank account and suspend your social security number and get you arrested. For more information regarding this case. You can get that to us at 410-513-5354. I repeat 410-513-5354. Make sure you give us a call back before you get arrested.