🛶 on 🚚

peering into the underworld
Q: I wonder if the capital of Kentucky is pronounced LEWIS-ville or LOUIE-ville?
A: It’s pronounced Frankfort.
(Brian actually heard this on a bus one time)
Other people handle issues better than I, so I do my thing, often using satire, irony, repartee, etc. Mad Magazine like. If someone labels me frivolous or fatiguing, I’ve done my job.
Lo hago con amor.
Brian and I often enjoy Family Feud (TV show) while relaxing over dinner. It’s fun to shout out our own answers, sometimes quite vulgar ones. “Penis” fits with about anything.
A good question from the last show we watched:
We asked a hundred men, “what language would you like to secretly learn in 30 days to impress your spouse?”
I shouted out, “Urdu, Swahili, Navajo, Sign, Esperanto”.
The contestants played it safe with French and Spanish. You gotta try to win that Ford. 🚗 💰
If I could make a wish
I think I’d pass
Can’t think of anythin’ I need
The one on the left is a sweet one from Argentina. Really good. Finished it. The one on the right is from Spain. Both quite cheap yet enjoyable. Both I bought from Rioja! wine bar in Greensboro, North Carolina. I think that man tastes every bottle that he offers for sale. It’s close to impossible to buy a bad bottle of wine there.
I’m sure everybody has been there. This is not new. I’ve had to silence a few on FB since last fall due to 18-hour-a-day compulsive Trump posting on the order of 50+ a day every day. I can’t look at that face all the time.
People can post what they want. I do. We’re all here voluntarily. My Opera community taught me that well.
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) will be taken offline this Friday, 15 December 2017. It has been years since I have used the service much, yet I have kept my handle in continuous service since 1998. That’s over 19 years.
AIM was able to give me a readout of the moment Brian and I joined. See “Member Since” in the images.
ICQ was our first messenger in 1996. I still keep that one in operation, too. UIN #1564254
These days, people use services like Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, and others more.