blocked again on facebook

I’m in Facebook jail again!

For the second time in a week, I’m blocked from my account. FB doesn’t like what I post, and all I post is garbage. Freakin’ kindergarten. The prohibited words seem to be “Russia” (last week) and “sodomy” (today).

I wish they’d save me the trouble and just delete my account. It would improve my life.

I’m liking MeWe and Mastodon more all the time.


It’s disappointing to see a friend with good politics dive off the nutcasin’ deep end. Maybe it happens to me, too, a little bit, sometimes. 🏊

replace facebook with personal websites?

“the urge to post about their lives online”

I like this. To me, this is what it’s about. Documenting my mundane life and reading the same about others. Vain, stupid, glorious, whatever. I appreciate when people take the time to write a little something about themselves. Whether it’s Facebook or a personal website, as long as people are creating original content, I am interested. The downside is that Facebook and Twitter encourage frenetic retweeting (reposting) that is low value to me, though it’s part of the cost of using those platforms that many of us are willing to pay to hang with friends. For all its faults, WordPress has a great number of users that are documenting their thinking and lives, and they are often alone with it. It’s one of the places I like to dive deep.

I mostly don’t care if anybody reads my things, and some of the places I post, probably nobody does. Just the process of writing up something on a regular basis is often stabilizing and therapeutic to me.

Story link: We Should Replace Facebook With Personal Websites – Motherboard


I have sometimes hoped that someone would criticize my fluff posting with something like, “Don’t you ever work on the issues?” Then I could counter with, “The fluff posting might be a cover.”

Yes, the fluff is a cover, or this post might be a cover of cover.

fb cleanse

For the second time in two months I have scrubbed my Facebook wall. It’s in case I lose my GD mind over world gone mad. I’m ok on other networks, but FB feed triggers me. Twitter, WordPress, MeWe, VK don’t bother me. Who knows.